About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

John Doe


Jakhongir Nodirov
in 1995 May 25 - was born.
2001 - first steps towards elementary school.
2011 - went to city for high school.
2014 - graduated high school and tried to discover what is the best for next step of life.
2016 - went to South Korea for higher education at Gachon University.
2020 - started Master's Degree at the same University.
2022 - got Master's diploma with his research paper published and curretly looking for new opportunities...


Machine Learning Engineer

Do researches on different projects of CT-Lab projects. Create and test deep learning algorithms.


Front End Developer

Created website for MegaEducation private study center and maintain it.

Gachon University


Study Master's degree. Learning and implementing his the technical skills on real world projects while developing existing skills and learning new ones.